Persian Bioelectromagnetics (ParsTarava) has been operating since 1397, as the first and only Producer of electroporation, electrochemotherapy devices in Iran. We started with an interest in the connection between medical universities and industry. Recently, our group produce creative products that are designed to make research and treatment possible easy with more hope.Persian Bioelectromagnetics started its background research in 2006 and our team members have been involved in different projects in the field of electroporation and electrochemotherapy. The focus of this company is only on electroporation and electrochemotherapy, and this focus allows us to share our experience and expertise with you to offer a wide range of creative tools to advance research and treatment. In line with other companies which produce non-ionization systems, we offer the most advanced methods to hospital and university users. The therapeutic achievements of the company’s colleagues have made it possible to treat superficial, deep, and brain cancers. On the other hand, the research base sales portfolio of the Persianbioelectromagnetics company consists of electroporation machines with voltages up to 3,000 volts and capable of passing very high currents, 2 mm, and 4 mm electroporation cuvettes.